Jefferson Davis Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting
Published 7:35 am Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Current commissioners and deputy commissioners of the Jeff Davis Soil and Water Conservation District were recognized at their annual banquet on Tuesday evening held at The Country Fisherman. Seated (l to r) Sandra Warren, Jim Boleware, Joe B Thompson, Melissa Martin. Standing (l to r) Milton Thompson, Jim Slater, Herman Dungan, John Polk, Jimmy McPhail and Jim Parkman.

Karen Sanford / The Prentiss Headlight – The Jefferson Davis County Soil and Water Conservation District recognized three commissioners for their years of dedicated service. Awards were presented by Herman Dungan. Receiving his award here is Joe B. Thompson – for 21 years of dedicated service as a commissioner and pictured (right) is his wife Faye Thompson.

Karen Sanford / The Prentiss Headlight – Jim Boleware – for 12 years of dedicated service as a commissioner.

Karen Sanford / The Prentiss Headlight – Thomas Holloway – for 11 years of dedicated service as a deputy commissioner. Accepting on his behalf was his daughter, Jamie Sandifer.

Karen Sanford / The Prentiss Headlight – The 2013 Outstanding Woodland Conservation Award was presented to Jim & Frances Phillips for their management of timber for wildlife and wood production. He is known for personally conducting Quality Vegetative Management Practices on 60 acres with the single use of a solo backpack sprayer and four-wheeler.