JDC All-Stars tangle with Harlem Ambassadors
Published 4:41 pm Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Shirley Burnham/The Prentiss Headlight—The JDC All-Stars vs. The Harlem Ambassadors basketball game provided a fun night of entertainment for a packed-house crowd at Prentiss High School on Thursday night.
Almost a sell-out crowd attended the match between the JDC All-Stars and the Harlem Ambassa-dors Thursday night. The Jeff Davis County team was a well-oiled machine that had practiced a good half-dozen times together and was ready (as possible) with home court advantage to meet the professionals in the Prentiss High School Gym.
Prentiss student Brandy Graves opened the game vibrantly singing the National Anthem and as the last notes reverberated around the gym the game began. Special attention was given by the HA team to the students who had pledged to stay drug-free when the Harlem Ambassadors visited Carver and J.E. Johnson encouraging students.
At the end of the first quarter the All-Stars had managed an impressive 2 to the Ambassadors 14. Between the celebrating and shenanigans of HA’s players by half-time our own All-Stars as well as many spectators were in need of resuscitation because of lengthy fits of laughter. At half-time the ambassadors taught the All-Stars and those brave souls from the audience to do the Mississippi Slide.
Fourth quarter found our JDC All-Stars woefully behind, a few football moves thrown in and Prentiss Mayor Charlie Dumas was given lessons by the Ambassadors in proper game apparel at the free-throw line.
All in all the game mercifully moved along ending with JDC All-Stars scoring 18 and Harlem Ambassadors 57.
Most everyone attending the event left with sore sides from laughing at the comedy routines and a jolly heart that will last for some time.
The Jeff Davis County Chamber Partnership sponsored this event. Whenever you see a member of the organization tell them how much fun you had.