Last Call to get Girl Scout Cookies
Published 12:32 pm Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Girl Scout Javia Newsome was in the Ramey’s parking lot Saturday selling Girl Scout cookies. She is a member of the Prentiss Girl Scout Troop #7306 that together have sold over 3,000 boxes of the cookies and is down to the last one hundred. Judging by the number of shoppers who stopped to purchase these last boxes will go fast.

Shirley Burnham / The Prentiss Headlight—Parent helper Dionna Evans, Troop member Javia Newsome and Troop Leader Lafarrah Newsome worked on selling their last stash of Girl Scout cookies in front of Rameys in Prentiss.
The troop meets on the first and third Sunday afternoons at the DHS Regional Office in Prentiss with members of ages K5-6th grade states Troop Leader Lafarrah Newsome. Profits from the cookie sales goes to support the national organization and a percentage will come back to the local troop. Newsome states the troop is involved in community projects such as nursing home visits and care baskets for senior citizens and in April the girls will participate in a community cleanup day.
The grand trip for these girls will be to Galveston, TX for an educational and fun program at Moody Gardens this summer and at Pleasure Pier they will learn math, science and “fun stuff.”
For more information on the local Girl Scout program or to purchase Girl Scout cookies contact Lafarrah Newsome at