Jeff Davis County Jail Docket Nov. 9-16
Published 7:27 am Monday, December 7, 2015
The following names and charges are listed on the arrest docket of Jefferson Davis County for the past week. An arrest does not equate guilt. The name, date of birth and address when available are listed as recorded in the docket.
Melake Bass, DOB 7-25-87, 96 Skating Rink Road, Prentiss, parole violation.
Willie Daggins, DOB 1-22-71, 39 Avenue Red Ball Apartments, Gulfport, shoplifting, possession of drug paraphernalia, false pretense, warrants.
Joseph Powell, DOBĀ 2-25-69, 579 Baylis Chapell, Columbia, DWLS.
Willie Herring, DOB 1-9-89, no known address, falsifying information to a police officer, open container, warrants, old fines.
Maurice Fells, DOB 4-21-90, 905 Wedgewood Drive, Hattiesburg, improper turn, DWLS, no insurance, switched tag.
Jarvrio McInnis, DOB 4-10-85, 119 Weathersby, New Hebron, no insurance, disregard to traffic device, open container.
James Corey Boutwell, DOB 12-3-76, 157 Mack Cemetery Road, Bassfield, warrants, FTP.
Johnathan Smith, DOB 12-19-79, 52 John McNease Lane, Bassfield, sexual battery.
Eric Jones, DOB 9-8-75, 785 Tyrone Street, domestic violence.
Chauncey Rushing, DOB 6-6-87, P.O. Box 1407, Prentiss, no insurance, DWLS, speeding, resisting arrest, DUI, fleeing on foot.
Rayshonda Butler, DOB 11-11-79, 1630 Magnolia Street, Prentiss, shoplifting, resisting arrest, switched tag.
Caitlin Austin, DOB 7-5-94, 203 Highway 43, Oakvale, family disturbance, destructing county property, destroying public property.