Published 11:39 am Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Zion Leaf Baptist BTU Congress/Convention was held at St. Peter M.B. Church in Mendenhall.

The two-day event was educational and recommitting.

There were great speakers on various topics. We are thankful to the Lord.

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Dexter Laird and family of Georgia were home for a family gathering and Dexter and his uncle were among our guests on Sunday.

Also, we will have our VBS this week and we are inviting members and friends to come.

Birthday greetings go out to the following: Rommie Daniels, Jonathan Edward, Addie Elaine Collins and Kelton Daniels. We pray that each of you celebrate many happier birthdays.

We send our condolence to Nancy Hartzog and family, Nancy’s brother, Dennis, funeral service was held on Saturday.

Let us continue to pray for all of our bereaved, sick and shut in.