Published 8:17 am Friday, June 24, 2016

The month of June has been quite busy for the Creek. Our Pastor and his wife celebrated 10 years of being with the Carson community. It was celebrated with Pastor Thomas McSwain and Old Hopewell Baptist Church in Collins.

The Creek family would like to wish Pastor Minor and Sister Doris a safe and happy vacation.

On Sunday, Rev. Mark Ball preached the Father’s Day message to Sunday morning worshippers. He spoke of Joseph acceptance of being an earthly father to Baby Jesus.

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Often time, fathers have accepted these roles as parent to children that are not biologically their own.

We certainly thank God for fathers who graciously step up to task.

Also, visiting with us from Augusta, Georgia was Rev. Michael Ball.

During the Pastor’s vacation, Minister Margaret Williams will bring forth the 4th Sunday message.

Next we will be getting ready for our youth during Vacation Bible Study. We pray that all of our youth will have a safe and joyous summer vacation.

Let us continue to pray for people everywhere across the country.

Sin is prevalent in the land, and we need to be encouraged when all around us is sinking sand.

Until the next time, attend the church of your choice.