Published 11:24 am Wednesday, June 29, 2016

He’s Great,  He’s Mighty, He’s Awesome what a Holy God we serve.

Let’s us do what is pleasing to God and not have a “Reprobate  Mind”  He’s giving us time to do what is right and stop being disobedient,  rebellious, untrustworthy,  untruthful to Him.

We’re living in the last days “time that has been won’t be any more.”   Do it while you still have timeless.

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We had Vacation Bible School,  I  hope all enjoyed we were  unable to attend due to working at night.

June is almost gone three more days left and the great July will roll right in.

We know the 4th of July weekend is coming up so be careful extremely  careful with your traveling to family and friends, be careful as you plan your cookouts and if you are planning on going to the lakes,  parks, and beaches watch all surrounding and keep your eyes on the children.

Have a safe holiday.

Keep the sick and shut in in prayer and have a safe and secure week.