From the Center 6-29-16

Published 10:52 am Friday, August 26, 2016

Of all my columns, the one recently about Emmett’s probably received the most feedback.

Readers seem to love the “Where are they now” articles and the columns filled with Prentiss memories.

I’m not sure if it is a longing for days gone by, or our desire to make sure the younger generation realizes that Prentiss wasn’t always like it is today.

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Maybe it’s a little of both. For me it is anyway.

These empty lots leave holes in our town, and our hearts as well. Our visual is gone.

When we point now to Emmett’s, or Davis Motors, or Hoover’s Furniture Store, we are pointing to a slab.

We can tell our children and grandchildren stories time and time again, but somehow I bet the impact won’t be the same.

I do realize that these buildings become safety issues, but it is still heartbreaking nonetheless.

Even though they are gone, I refuse for them to “disappear”.

That’s where the importance of photographs and this paper become a necessity.

They say, years from now, today’s teenagers won’t own a single photograph.

All pictures posted to social media will certainly cease to exist. I’m not sure how much farther technology can advance, but I am guessing jump drives and cds will be about like VCR tapes. In a box at a garage sale.

If hard copies are not printed, the I suspect “they” might be right.

Pictures or not, I am going to do my best to keep my memories alive, even though it probably drives my girls crazy. However, when I see a glimpse of nostalgia or traditionalism come out in them, it is certainly worth it.

Thank you Emmett’s for the rat cheese, and the thinly shaved turkey that my children still talk about today. For fresh hand wrapped meat at supper and Rice’s potato chips.

Thank you for allowing me to run in and charge what mama sent me for after cheerleader practice. For the opportunity of knowing, respecting and loving a family that was not my own, I say thank you.

Thank you for the bell on the door that I still hear today when I close my eyes.

And thank you most of all, for being able to experience “small town America” in its total essence.