From the Center 7-6-16

Published 10:52 am Friday, August 26, 2016

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth!

We spent our day at the country club. It was a happy sight seeing the parking lot full of golfers and the pool full of children. Us women love our adult time visiting at the pool. It is a treat when we get to float around, instead of hanging on to the side trying to stay out of the children’s way. But Monday, we gladly moved on over. The sound of laughing, squealing children is good for the soul.

At one point, the pool was so full I thought for sure we were on a bumper boat ride at the amusement park.

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Right about the time we were scorching on our floats, and bragging about the fact that it was the first Fourth in years that it hadn’t rained…wham! You’ve never seen grown women move that fast.

Rain is one thing, but that first bolt of lightning sent us running for shelter and ordering the children off the slide. It looked like a bunch of tazmanian devils spinning around. Towels were flying, cell phones were grabbed, bags thrown…pure chaos.

Luckily, the rain didn’t last long and the children were soon back in the pool. The sun was gone for the day so we took that as a sign for the food prep to begin.

After a delicious meal we headed to the park to enjoy the fellowship and fireworks. It is so nice not to have to worry about our own fireworks, who will shoot them, and having the fire department on speed dial. It makes for a relaxing end to the holiday for us parents.

Thank you to all those who contributed and are a part of the Unity in the Community organization.

Your efforts are appreciated.