Trunk or Treat to be held again in Prentiss
Published 5:55 pm Tuesday, September 25, 2018
There will be a county-wide Trunk or Treat held Oct. 30 in Prentiss.
This family friendly event will be held from 5:30-7 p.m. in the
Aministrative Building parking lot on Pearl Avenue, adjacent to The
Prentiss Headlight office.
This is the second year for the event and all county offices and
businesses are encouraged to participate.
“We are as one, and it is just a little something to pull the county
together,” said JDC Tax Assessor Kelley Ross Brown.
“I love to have fun!”
Participates can help by decorating a vehicle and providing candy,
designing a fun game to play with the kids, face painting for the
kids, or simply to pass out candy.
Donations of candy or other items will be accepted at the JDC tax
assessor’s office and The Prentiss Headlight, both located on Third
For more info, call 601-792-4929.
The Town of Prentiss will not stop traditional door-to-door
trick-or-treating, but encourages everyone to trunk or treat instead.
Trick-or-treating for the Town of Bassfield will be Oct. 31 from 5:30-7 p.m.