Meet-and-greet a success
Published 11:17 am Wednesday, June 5, 2019
A candidate meet and greet was held Saturday in the Longleaf Trace
Park in Prentiss.
Citizens of Jefferson Davis County had the opportunity to meet and
speak with state and local candidates. Secretary of State candidate
Johnny Dupree and L.R. Easterling for Covington County Representative
were both represented.
Locally, Jefferson Davis County Sheriff candidates Duane Dampier, Chad
Brazeale and Richard Johnson were in attendance.
Dedra Johnson and John Wayne Tolar, both coroner candidates were also
on hand to discuss issues with community members.
Supervisors participating in the event were Sedrick Washington Beat 4,
Leon Speights Beat 3, Derek Hall Beat 2 and David Moses Beat 5.
Justice Court Judge candidates present were Ronald Barnes Post 1 and
Calvin Graves and Vernon Dampier Post 2.
The event was sponsored by MS APRI, JDC Chamber Partnership and the NAACP.
Absentee voting for the upcoming primary election will begin June 24.
Voters can cast their ballot at the Jefferson Davis County Circuit
Clerk’s office Monday through Friday 8 5 p.m.
The last day to register to vote prior to the election is July 6 by noon.
In addition to the weekly hours, the office will be open the two
Saturdays before the election, July 27 and Aug. 3, from 8 a.m. to
Mail-out ballots must be postmarked by August 5.
The primary election will be Aug. 6, and the general election is Nov. 5.
For more information contact the Jefferson Davis County Circuit
Clerk’s office at 601-792-4231.