Law: Children must be enrolled
Published 4:35 pm Tuesday, September 1, 2020
As the new school year begins, the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Compulsory School Attendance Enforcement, would like to remind area parents about the laws governing school attendance.
Under the Mississippi Compulsory School Attendance Law, parents and guardians are required to enroll their children in a public or private school. This law applies to children who have reached the age of 6 and have not exceeded the age of 17 by Sept. 1.
Children who have attained or will attain the age of five years on or before Sept. 1 and have enrolled in a full-day public kindergarten will be under the Compulsory School Attendance Law.
Parents interested in teaching their children at home (home school) are required to complete a certificate of enrollment card every year.
Any parent or guardian who fails to comply with the Compulsory School Attendance Law may be found guilty of contributing to the neglect of a child and may face criminal charges.
School attendance officer Mary B. Drummond, is available assist parents and guardians of school-age children to ensure that they regularly attend school.
All school age children need to be accountable in some type of instructional program during the school months. It’s the law.
For more information, call 601-792-8330.