Staff recognized at Sept. JDC School Board meeting
Published 7:28 am Monday, September 27, 2021
- Holley Cochran / The Prentiss Headlight—Awards for the month of August were presented at the September JDC School Board meeting held at the Academic Success Center in Carson. Pictured from left: Staff of the Month Sybil Johnson, Superintendent Ike Haynes, Staff of the Month Comal Hawthorne, Volunteer of Month Supervisor Demarrio Booth, Administrator of the Month Dr. Jason McLeod and JDC School Board President Von Norwood.
The Jefferson Davis County School Board met for the September meeting at the Academic Success Center in Carson.
After the welcome, moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance, the board adopted the agenda and presented the employees of the month for August.
“These people do a phenomenal job and do things the Jaguar Way with children first, highest expectations and don’t mind being held accountable to do their part and do things at a high level,” said Jefferson Davis County Superintendent Ike Haynes.
Volunteer of the Month for August is District 3 Supervisor Demarrio Booth. “This is public service at its best,” Haynes. “I couldn’t be more pleased to recognize Mr. Booth for his effort in supporting our kids and the school district.” Booth instrumental volunteer for the staff and teacher appreciation luncheon for professional learning and development held recently.
“He is so dedicated and loyal, and always things about the safety of the children,” said JDC Board President Von Norwood. “We can’t thank you enough.”
Staff of the Month for August is Sybli Johnson. Johnson is the custodian for Jefferson Davis County High School. “Ms. Johnson takes a lot of pride in doing a great job,” said Haynes. “We have approximately 30 restrooms that she is responsible for keeping up to par. She takes care of the whole school and never complains.”
Comal Hawthorne was also recognized as Staff of the Month for August. “I’ve known a long time that this lady was a jewel,” said Haynes. “She is dedicated to the community and JDC.” Hawthorne has been driving a bus in Jefferson Davis County for 32 years. “She is so welcoming to the kids in the morning and has a great rapport with the parents. They all come outside and wave to her in the morning and she greets them with a smile.”
Administrator of the Month is Dr. Jason McLeod. “This man has earned my respect and appreciation and he earned it the hard way”, said Haynes. “I have been tough on him and not once has he made one excuse.” McLeod serves as Director of Operation for the Jefferson Davis County School District. “I don’t have to call him back and make sure he gets things done. That’s the type of person that we have here.”
“We appreciate everything Jason does,” said Norwood. “He puts forth 125 percent.”
JDC High School Campus Spotlight was given by Mr. Robert Young.
Departmental Reports were given by Assistant Superintendent John Daley, Food and Nutrition Director Latrice Williams and Director of Operations Dr. Jason McLeod.
Financial report was given by the Chief Financial Officer Shelia Copeland, followed by the Superintendent’s report by Superintendent Haynes. Haynes’ message to the community is to keep expectations high. “We have gotten off to a good start, we have weathered the issues we have had with COVID-19 and things are seemingly going well.” Haynes notes that the “just enough to get by” mentality is a recipe for disaster. “Let’s be willing to go all the way for the children.”
Total enrollment for J. E. Johnson Elementary School is 505, with 493 traditional students and 12 virtual students. G. W. Carver Elementary enrollment is at 395 students with 391 traditional and three virtual.
Total enrollment for Jefferson Davis County High is 400 with 390 traditional and 10 virtual.
ACT test results from 2020 were reported with 65 students taking the test with the average composite score being 14.9.
Haynes reports football has begun at A. E. Gray Field in Prentiss. “That facility looks nice, and I am really excited about that.”
Haynes expressed concerns about the elevation of the new facilities at Willoughby Field in Bassfield. “We have been in touch with civil engineers about this issue. I am concerned that the elevation may cause some flooding issues post construction. I asked for them to come look at that and get back to me with a report.”
Haynes reported some parents are concerned about asbestos in the buildings. “Samples have been sent to test from all campuses. We have received the reports and we do not have any asbestos.”
In other business, the board approved the following:
Approval of financial update and financial statements.
Adopt consent agenda.
Approval for the request for the approval to use Jefferson Davis County High School.
Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Lease of Certain Real Property in Jeff Davis County.
Approval of Land Lease Agreement with Jim Terrell.
Approval of Renovation & Repair Projects D.W. Fortenberry Career Center.
Approval of Agreement with the Kirkland Group.
Approval of Agreement with Jumpstart Test Prep.
Approval of Agreement with Jumpstart Test Prep and Prentiss Christian School.
Approval of Agreement with Buse Education Services, LLC.
Approval of Agreement with Star Leadership Consulting for Leadership Professional
Development and Coaching (JEJ).
Approval of Agreement for Kids First Education and Prentiss Christian School.
Approval of Agreement with PowerSchool.
Approval of Agreement with Greene Education Services.
Approval of Agreement with Instructure.
Approval of I-Ready Software & Professional Development Services from Curriculum
Approval of Agreement with ANB Educational Consultant, Inc.
Approval of Agreement with NWEA.
Approval of Agreement with the Excellence Group, LLC (Social & Emotional Learning).
Approval of Agreement with the Excellence Group, LLC (U.S. History).
Approval of Agreement with MU Alpha Theta Consulting, LLC.
Approval of Agreement with School Status.
Approval of Agreement with Edmentum.
Approval of Afterschool Remediation & Enrichment Programs for CES, JEJ and JDCHS.
Approval of a no cost extension for Academic Innovations for Reading Success (AIRS) for FY
Approval of CES/JEJ 2021-2022 Academic Innovations for Reading Success (AIRS) Extended
Payroll Request.
Approval of ERATE Consulting Services Contract for 2021 -2022 with Rodabough Education
Group, Inc.
Approval of Blackboard Contract for the 2021 -2022 District and School Websites Hosting
Approval of 2021-2022 Asbestos Continuing Consultant Services with Pickering.
Approval of 2021-2022 Save the Children Agreement for G.W. Carver Elementary and J.E.
Johnson Elementary.
Approval of FY 2021-2022 admission to athletic events.
Approval to Transfer Funds from Activity Account to Dragon Fly to pay for officials.
Approval of Facility Use Request from Bassfield Youth Football & Cheer League-AE Gray Field.
Approval of student transfer exceptions-MS Code Section 37-15-29.
Personnel Resignation-Drew Reagan.
Superintendent’s Actions-MS Code Section 37-9-14(z) (personnel hire).
Personnel Recommendation-renewal professional, new hires, employee status change.
Approved of Revised 2021-2022 salary guide.
Approval of claims.
Two items on the agenda did not pass: the agreement with Triumph Educational Consulting and approval of request to increase adult lunch meals.