March is Education Awareness Month in JDC
Published 2:01 pm Monday, March 7, 2022
- The Prentiss Headight—Teachers and staff at JDCHS celebrated Read Across America Day March 2 by dressing as a character from any Dr. Seuss book.Thing 1 and Thing 2 are pictured with Dr. Seuss, also known as JDCHS Principal Robert Young.
The Jefferson Davis County School District has designated March as Education Awareness Month for the district. “Follow us during the month of March, as we tell our story the Jaguar Way,” said Educational Awareness Month Chairman and JDC Math Curriculum Specialist Andrea Curb. “We will be highlighting teachers, administrators, students, and community stakeholders throughout the month.”
The month kicked off with Read Across America Week Feb. 28-March 4.
Monday’s theme was One Fish Two Fish with students wearing red and blue. Students wore mismatched inside out or backwards clothes on Tuesday as part of Mixed Up Day. Wednesday, students dressed like their favorite Dr. Seuss character. Students wore crazy socks in honor of Fox in Socks on Thursday. Friday’s theme is Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Students could wear a college shirt or dress as their future career. To celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday on National Read Across America Day, community leaders and volunteers read Dr. Seuss books to JDC students Wednesday morning. Each school will be spotlighted throughout the month, along with health fairs, expos and luncheons. Other activities planned for educational awareness month include Grandparents’ Day, Employee Appreciation Day, Nacho Average Teacher, Motivation Monday and Career Day. If you would like to volunteer during the month, or learn more information, contact Andrea Curb at 601-596-5716 or