JDC campus renovations continue
Published 8:25 am Friday, June 24, 2022
- Holley Cochran / The Prentiss Headlight—JDC Food Service Director Latrice Williams explains the summer feeding program at the June school board meeting.
The Jefferson Davis County School Board met at the Academic Success Center in Carson June 13 for its regularly scheduled meeting. District 2 school board member Bobby Wilson was present with the other board members attending via teleconference.
After the welcome, moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance, the board adopted the agenda.
Superintendent Haynes announced that students will return to class Aug. 4.
Director of Operations Jason McLeod updated the board on the renovations at each location.
Proposed projects and upgrades for the J. E. Johnson Elementary School on J. E. Johnson Road include painting, installing security doors, awnings, gym bleachers, floors and windows as well as repairing the parking lot.
Jefferson Davis County Middle School painting is complete and lighting in progress. The office area is 55 percent complete with the sheetrock finished and in the process of being painted. The library is also currently being painted and the flooring is being worked on in that area. Roofing is complete and finishing touches are being placed on the drains and spouts.
At JDCHS windows have been placed, air conditioning units are in, and the sheetrock is up. They are painting main building and the support for athletics. The flooring is in the process of completion, doors have been placed and walkways and parking lot have been completed. Asbestos removal in the main hall has also been completed which will allow the floors to soon be placed with painting and classroom ceiling placement to follow.
Carver Elementary main building work is near completion with ceiling installation, lighting and flooring in process.
Bathrooms in the 4th and 5th grade wing are also being updated and roofing is complete on the main building. McLeod estimates Carver being completed by the second week in July
COVID protection cleaning process continues every 14 days. New cameras and a camera system will be installed at all campuses through a grant.
School buses are out for repairs and maintenance and will be back on site in July. According to McLeod, bus routes are in the process of being reviewed. “We are making sure we are tweaking any issues with both zones with bus assignments ongoing.” McLeod says the goal is to have the bus drivers in place by July 20 as regards to hiring and reviewing. Cameras have also been ordered through the Federal Programs Department for each bus in the school district.
Food Service Director Latrice Williams gave a brief synopsis of summer feeding program. Two campuses are being operated this year. The summer feeding program is free for kids and teens 18 and under. All meals must be eaten in the cafeteria and there are no grab-and-go meals. At J. E. Johnson Elementary for K-5, meals will be available through July 14 Monday through Thursday. Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and lunch is served from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Meals will be served at Carver Elementary School Monday through Thursday until July 28. The first breakfast is available from 6:40 a.m.-7:05 a.m. The second breakfast is from 7:30a.m.-8:30 a.m. Lunch is served at Carver from 10:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Adult meal prices are $2.75 for breakfast and $3.50 for lunch. “I’ve been pretty pleased with the numbers that I have seen come through,” said Haynes. “I think the summer lunch program is well needed and meeting a need in our community.”
During the Superintendent’s report, he discussed various summer activities on school campuses. Haynes encourages all parents and students to remain plugged into the system with the various summer activities taking place. “We want to increase our numbers over time and make sure any student that needs extra work will plug in on one of the campuses,” said Haynes. Rising kindergartners are taking place in KinderBoost. Title 1 summer school for grades 3-8 has been well attended with openings still available. Haynes feels the summer numbers at JDCH need to increase. There were 50 plus students at JDCHS that were not successful in one or more classes. “I’m coming once again, that if you are a high school student and have failed one or more courses you should be in credit recovery this summer.” Summer classes have only recorded 12-15 students being involved in credit recovery. Haynes notes many students are participating in ongoing summer athletic activities and camps.
The board approved to place real property on the market in section 28, township 7 north, range 18 west, 33.16 acres, more or less. “My recommendation to sell the property in Carson that had been previously identified as the property that a high school could be placed on,” said Haynes. JDCHS is currently undergoing 8 million dollars in upgrades. “It is my recommendation that we focus our efforts where we have spent these funds, to work to expand the high school site.” The vote to sell the land passed unanimously.
Agenda item approval to add district testing coordinator supplement to salary guide failed with two board members voting yes and three board members voting no.
In other board news, the board approved the following without opposition before the meeting was adjourned:
- Approved to advertise for bids old J.E. Johnson Campus Renovation on J.E. Johnson Road.
- Approved of 2023 insurance proposal.
- Approved of financial update and financial statements.
- Approved of proposed 3% salary increase for hourly employees.
- Approved of superintendent’s contract extension.
- Approved adopting consent agenda.
- Approved of MCS network agreement for Network Engineering Services.
- Approved to add record/athletic clerk/Jag Store manager to salary guide.
- Approved to add performing arts supplement to salary guide.
- Approved to add supplement for assistant varsity coaches who win a team MHSAA state championship event to salary guide.
- Approved to add chief of campus police to salary guide.
- Approved of memorandum of recruitment and retention supplement.
- Approved of proposed construction change orders.
- Approved of facility use request JDC Middle School gym for JDC alumni back to school.
- Approved of student transfer exceptions.
- Superintendent’s actions: personnel hire.
- Personnel resignations: Kelton Vaughn, Elizabeth Bridges, Teresa Booth and Katrina Smith Sims.
- Personnel recommendations: new hires, renewal professional, employee status change and exceptional education new hire.
- Approved request to rescind resignation.
- Approved claims.
- Approved of facility use request JDC Middle School gym for prom/dance.