Sup. Haynes hopes to restore agricultural education in JDC schools
Published 11:11 am Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The Jefferson Davis County School Board met for the November meeting at the Academic Success Center in Carson. After the welcome, moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance, the board adopted the agenda.
All five board members were present, Von Norwood and Terri Stamps were present via teleconference
JDC Superintendent Ike Haynes expressed his interest in bringing back agricultural education into the school system.
“It is my goal to educate every student in JDC and to meet their needs, and I am investigating restoration of vocational agriculture in our district,” said Haynes. “As we expand our curriculum we are going to make sure our kids can have more options for their future.”
Superintendent Ike Haynes introduced Thomas Brewer of the Mississippi State Extension Office in Jefferson Davis County to discuss that avenue.
Brewer feels there are many in the community that need and want this type of education in the school system. “It will have support as far as resources that are available, and we have resources we can share with the community,” said Brewer. The source of funding would not come from MSU. “But with that being said, whatever we need to do to get all the key players at the table, that is what we are going to do,” he added.
Brewer says there are more cattle in Jefferson Davis County than any county in the State of Mississippi.
“There are a lot of things the children can gain from it as far as economic impact. If we don’t put this program back into the schools, then we are missing the boat as far as education and opportunities for our kids.”
Instructional Technology Director Rena Hilton presented the recognitions for the month of October.
The campus with highest average daily attendance for the month of October was G. W. Carver Elementary.
The ACT spotlight students were Charles Hicks and Layla Hathorn who are students at JDCMS. Administrator of Month was Latrice Williams, who is the Director of Food and Nutrition.
Employee of the Month was Margie Fails. Fails is the cafeteria manager at Jefferson Davis County High School.
Staff of the month was Latoya Collins who is the secretary at J. E. Johnson Elementary School.
Dr. Debra Dace gave a report on student and staff attendance, OSS, ISS and infractions on all campuses. Dr. Crystal Haynes and Robert Young gave departmental reports and discipline presentations on Jefferson Davis County Middle School and Jefferson Davis County High School before the financial report was giving by Shelia Copeland.
In other board news, the board approved the following without opposition before moving into executive session and adjourning:
• Approved accepting exit interviews of staff performed by the superintendent.
• Approved adopting the Consent Agenda.
• Approved school safety officers to carry less-lethal weapons.
• Approved BrightBytes Sharing Addendum, an online resource for collection and sharing data.
• Approved Business Associate Addendum Forest General Hospital, VoTech
• Approved signage additions for Admin. Building signage to add county- JDCHS.
• Approved PCO# 34, #32, #33 for JEJ and JDCMS.
• Approved American Red Cross facility use agreement at JDCHS.
• Approved request to start a youth basketball league
• Approved request from Big Brother Society to host 5 on 5 Fundraiser Tournament at JDCMS.
• Approved request to accept the BASE Education Grant.
• Approved COPS Grant Vendor.
• Approved mathematical instructional support -ANB Educational Consultation, LLC-Federal Programs Dept.
• Approved superintendent’s action-personnel hire.
• Approved personnel resignations – Betty Walker, Stephanie Ware.
• Approved personnel recommendations – new hires, employee status change and substitute list.
• Approved claims.