Board approves sale of county garbage truck
Published 9:22 am Wednesday, February 22, 2023
- Holley Cochran / The Prentiss Headlight— Jefferson Davis County Board Engineer Les Dungan gives a monthly report during the JDC Board of Supervisors Tuesday morning.
The Jefferson Davis County Board of Supervisors met for the second meeting of the month Tuesday morning at the board room in Prentiss. The meeting opened with prayer by Kyle East of Dungan Engineering before the minutes were approved.
Approval of Board President signing the County Fire Investigator Appointment Form and payment of $100 was tabled.
The board approved a quote from Puckett Rents for track hoe rental for District 3 for a two-week rental for $2,135.00 per week. A quote from United Rentals was also submitted, but was the higher cost of the two.
A discussion of hiring of independent auditor for Fiscal Year 2022 was held with accountant Cathy Slocum during her financial report. No action was taken.
The board certified candidates for election commissioner. It is required by the board that they are proper candidates for the job based on signatures on the qualifying petition. Candidates are Ralph Hanegan in District 2 and Stephen Abram in District 4.
A bid opening was held for the sale of a county garbage truck. One bid was submitted from J. J. Merchant in the amount of $7,777.77. The board accepted the bid unanimously.
During the county engineering item, Les Dungan noted he was preparing the yearly report for landfill and that the paving project has been advertised for bids to be received March 28. “Prices for paving are going through the roof, including material costs and labor,” said Dungan. Paving will take place in Districts 1, 3 and 4. Dungan is concerned with getting the work completed in a timely manner as there is a shortage of contractors. Bids will be submitted on each road in each district for patching and leveling which will prepare the roads for a chip seal.
Dungan suggested the striping Bournham Road and Sonat Road in District 5 with center line and side stripes. Dungan also made the board aware of the costs of raised pavement markers should the board wish to use those to delineate the center line for roads in the county.
In other board news, the board approved the following without opposition before it entered into executive session and adjourned.
• Approved minutes.
• Approved rescinding order for purchase order to receive quote for sweeper broom.
• Approved to request bids for truck for Maintenance Department.
• Approved Board President signing Benchmark Construction Pay Application # 8 for
o $547,746.44.
• Approved school bus turnarounds: District 2 at 8 Percy Lane and District 5 at 37 Mission Trail.
• Approved Chancery Court civil case filing fees for Court Administration Fund and Law Library Fund.
• Approved payment of invoices:
o Southern MS Planning & Development District – $6,753.33.
o Stephen’s Forklift & Equipment Repair – $870.00.
• Approved invoice without a purchase order for coroner to Mike’s Auto Parts $467.11.
• Approved deletion of inventory in District 2, Asset #196: lowband radio.
• Approved employee action form for District 5.
• Approved employees attending meetings and conventions:
o Supervisor Mathis, Southern MS Planning & Development District Annual Conference, April 18 – 21, registration $400, hotel, meals and fuel.
• Approved claims.