What a cookie can do for a Girl Scout program

Published 8:38 am Thursday, April 27, 2023

If you buy Girl Scout cookies, you are joining a more than 100-year tradition that includes thousands of girls and adults.

Girl Scouts sell Girl Scout cookies to earn proceeds to support their activities, trips, service projects, and more.

When they join the Cookie Program, girls also learn five essential life skills: Goal Setting Your Girl Scout will learn how to set a goal and make a plan to succeed.

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Once she sells cookies, her goal-setting skill set will help her in school! She won’t come to you the night before a project is due and needing supplies; she will already have a plan and schedule mapped out to get her project done ahead of time.

Decision Making: She will know how to consider different factors that will influence her choice carefully. This skill will become handing when she is looking ahead to her future like picking a college and making a plan to apply.

Money Management: After managing funds in the Cookie Program, she will then have the experience needed to save her allowance to buy a new phone, and then to pay for her phone bill each month. How does that sound?

People Skills: Learning people skills will serve your Girl Scout well in school, in her career, and in her life. Everyone wants to interact with someone who knows how to listen attentively, make her point persuasively, and build consensus.

Business Ethics: Selling cookies will teach your Girl Scout to honor commitments. She will demonstrate the ability to be a leader who people gravitate to for guidance.

Girl Scouts have finished up cookie sales and are making new adventures.

On Apr 6-8 Jefferson Davis and Covington County Girl Scouts attend camp at Camp Iti Kana in Wiggins.

They experienced camping in cabins, cooking their own meals, canoeing, fishing, archery, with some down time playing games and art projects.

On Saturday they were joined by their families and to experience a family day at camp.

Girl Scout Director for the Jefferson Davis and Covinton County Chapter is Pat Ellis.