Board approves budget increase for district attorney’s office

Published 6:31 am Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Jefferson Davis County Board of Supervisors met for the second meeting of the month Monday morning at the board room in Prentiss.

The meeting opened with prayer by Board Attorney Wes Daughdrill before the meeting was called to order and the minutes and agenda were approved.

Fifteenth Circuit Court District Attorney Hal Kittrell provided a State of the District report and requested a budget increase of $6,090.00 for litigation support personnel. The board approved the increase unanimously.

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No budget increase was requested for Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources and Pine Belt Regional Solid Waste Management Authority.

Prentiss Assistant Fire Chief Michael Davis discussed with the board the possibility of merging the Prentiss Police Department dispatch with 911 and Sheriff’s Office dispatch and forming one central dispatch at the new jail once it is complete. No action was taken

Denise Harron informed the board of a dispute she had regarding her land taxes. The board attorney took it under advisement, and it will be discussed at a later date.

Ralph Hanegen was presented a proclamation by Board President Bobby Rushing for his years of service to the county.

The board approved resignation of District 2 Supervisor Charles Reid from the Rails to Trails Board and acceptance of appointment District 1 Supervisor Corky Holliman.

Agenda items Board President signing acceptance of services with Prince CPA Firm and renewal for airport liability insurance with board president signing renewal were continued.

Reports were given by the board attorney and board engineer.

In other board news, the board approved the following without opposition before it adjourned:

• Approved minutes.

• Approved board signing Proclamation of Existence of a Local Emergency for severe weather on June 16.

• Approved Board President signing Delta Computer Systems Computer Software Support Agreement (increase of $84.90/month).

• Approved Board President signing Application for Certification to expend one mill.

• Approved spreading into the minutes: Assessor Recapitulation 2023, Assessor’s Affidavit to the Land Roll, Assessor’s Affidavit to the Personal Roll and Assessed Valuation of Motor Vehicles and Mobile Home.

• Approved equalization of tax rolls.

• Approved spreading into the minutes Constable Annual Financial Report, M. Davis.

• Approved School Bus Turnaround in District 3 at 59 Green Keys Lane for rework and gravel.

• Approved hiring elevator company in regard to inspection deficiency.

• Discussion of payment of contract labor for paving.

• Approved quote for flagpole, flag and installation at John Thompson Complex and new jail.

• Approved deleting from inventory Asset 755 computer, IBM Thinkcenter, CPU Asset 1462 computer in Justice Court.

• Approved mileage for supervisor traveling to convention in private vehicle.

• Approved reimbursement to employee, S. Barnes for $47.71.

• Approved Employee Action Form for District 2.

• Approved spreading into the minutes Employee Action Form for Sheriff’s Department.

• Approved employees attending meetings and conventions.

• Approved payment of taxes to Tax Assessor for payment that was received into this office by mistake and Approved Tax Assessor removing penalties of the same.

• Approved advertising county resources with the County Forestry Association Banquet for $150.00.

• Approved voiding two checks from previous fiscal year and repayment of the same.

• Approved acceptance of funds from National Opioids Settlement FD Trust for $2,334.54.

• Approved fourth quarter appropriations for Tax Assessor and Sheriff Department Sheriff’s Department $304,197.63, Custody of Prisoners $33,753.41 and Tax Assessor $90,740.95.

• Approved claims.