Bid awarded for prisoner meals

Published 8:56 am Monday, January 29, 2024

The Jefferson Davis County Board of Supervisors met Jan. 16 and Jan. 17 for the second meeting of January. The meeting was recessed until the following day due to weather.

Supervisor Ricky Barrett offered prayer before the agenda was approved.

The board approved the bid from Vezlicious to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner to the prisoners in the Jefferson Davis County jail. Bids were also received from Williams’ Good Ole Days Buffet, Dampeer Family Restaurant and Maggie’s Grill. Vezlicious was chosen based on price and it being the closest proximity of the jail.

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Agenda items approve sale of scrap metal from landfill and approve establishing charges for dumping limbs and related debris at landfill were continued.

The board approved electing the following to the Southern MS Planning & Development District:

Michael Evans on the board of directors, Demarrio Booth to serve on the Twin Districts Workforce LEO board, Kevin Hughes from the private sector and Demarrio Booth for the minority sector.

The board also approved appointing Ricky Barrett as a representative to one of MASIT’s Steering Committees reinsurance Committee, Risk Management Committee or Underwriting Committee.

Blake Speirs with ComSouth gave an E911 update on the updated equipment that has been ordered for the new detention center.

County engineer Les Dungan, attorney Wes Daughdrill and accountant Cathy Slocum gave their reports.

In other board news, the board approved the following without opposition before adjourning:

•Approved minutes.

•Approved quote from Kirk Sullivan’s in Collins for truck for District 5.

•Approved Board President signing rental agreement with RJ Young for additional copier for the Sheriff Department.

•Approved school bus turnaround in District 5 at 4031 Hwy 84 for turnaround, gravel and rework.

•Approved Credit Card Report and payment of the same.

•Approved payment of invoices to Jefferson Davis County School District 16th Section Lease for $150 (District 3 Barn); E. Cornell Malone Corporation for $4,940.00 (courthouse roof); Southern MS Planning & Development District for $9,446.44 (Senior citizen social Services) and MASIT for $6,495.56 additional premium for changes to policy.

•Approved Employee Action Forms for Districts 2, 4 and 5

•Approved spreading into Minutes Employee Action Forms – Chancery Clerk & Sheriff

•Approved employees attending meetings and conventions

•Approved deleting from inventory Asset #2313, cell phone in District 4.

•Approved transfer from general county account to District 3 Use Tax Fund for $23,817.61 and District 5 Use Tax Fund for $26,858.15.

•Approved claims.